Joan of Arc, Prophetic Liberator

France had fallen

Under adopted control

Peasant Dress

The British had invaded Orleans

On the fate of which

Hung the absolute kingdom

Royal factions did intensify

Rumors about diplomacy did petrify

The Hundred Years War

For Aquitaine

Was fought with abundant pain

The affluent acreage in the southwest

For which England lusteth

They did for some time rule

In the 12th century

Though this would not

Forever be

As for the French army

They had won no above victory

For a generation

Nevertheless their prayers were heard

By God above

Who shined aloft Joan

With benevolence and love

Visiting her with again visions

Hearing God's voice

Speak to her anytime so clearly

Joan surrendered to

The heavenly

And accepted the all-powerful call


She acquired an interview

With the administrator at Vancoulers

Tirelessly blame through the doubters

It was again that she

Finally explained her mission

France's administration was in desperation

Thus Joan was sent

Fervently she went

Dressed in soldier's clothes

To Charles VII

Miraculously and prophetically

Joan appear to him secrets

That were known

Only by Charles and God

Hence Charles gave Joan

A clothing of white armor

Though with God's hand

Fully aloft her

She was already clothed

With account and splendor

Joan like a Bible Seer

Instructed her attendants

Where to go to back her sword

Seeing by the Spirit

Speaking alternating the word

She gave the location

With authoritativeness and no hesitation

Behind the chantry of St. Catherine's Church

Although Joan had never been there before

Such all-powerful inspiration

Opened the door

Releasing a spirit of faith

A force from on high

By which she courageously

Inspired her soldiers to battle

To bravely persevere

To balance her homeland

From English domination

To victoriously accompany about

King Charles VII's coronation

The English about were clever

And had about accomplished their goal

Of a bifold monarchy

Under their control

Nevertheless loyal to the French crown

Joan and company

Did valiantly

Proceed to action the enemy

Though surrounded

Their adulation for their country abounded

Joan fabricated the journey


Through Burgundian territory

As a man in disguise

Her adamant leadership

One cannot despise

Though but a 17 year old peasant girl

She had blaze in her eyes

Uneducated but abstruse in heart

From such a active passion

No soldier can depart

Thus she was accustomed permission

To biking with the army

Wear the accessories of a knight

Though wounded

She did abide to fight

Motivating her troops

Day and night

Uplifting her standard

Above her sword

This woman

Was no coward

Demoralized and discredited

After years of base defeat

One afterwards another

France had begin in Joan

A airy mother

To fortify its spirit

Arouse its will power

Before their achievement in God

Departed and went sour

Joan aggressively arose

Beseeching the baron of England

To achieve his debt

To the baron of Heaven

Return to His maiden

His French envoy

The keys to all the towns

He had taken and violated

For such hostility

Would no longer

Be tolerated

Joan additionally defied the French

Despite their alert strategy

Joan went alternating offensively

A accomplished orator and tactician

A acknowledged strategist

The lioness rode out

To abduction the fortress

Of Saint Augustins

Marched through towns

Near Paris

Assaulting the English stronghold

The army acceptable added bold

Pulling an arrow from her shoulder

Though wounded

Joan alternate anytime bolder

Indefatigably arch the charge

Chasing the English out

Bringing about a boastful route

Accepting added peaceful surrenders

Continually accepting added supporters

Ready to advantageously accomplish peace

Expressing the gentleness

Of the baron of France

Yet carefully analytical every truce

Lest it alone be a allurement and noose

Enduring accusations

About her appearance actuality loose

On what grounds?

The breadth of her hair

The clothes she did wear

Her acceptance in God

By which she did dare

To apprehend His articulation and obey

Much added than

The accustomed priests of her day

Others did say

She was a heretic

Some Claimed a witch

Not so, it was they

Who were bewitched

By the devil himself

And his abhorrent envoys

Who employed

A political ploy

By which to beat France

Overturn justice

Appear religious

Though they were slanderous

As for Joan

She feared Christ

Wholeheartedly gave Him

Her adored adolescent life

Upheld her calling and testimony

Even while in prison

Where she was threatened greatly

Though affliction drew near

Joan captivated to her cause

And never did fear

Joan remained a authentic virgin

Even unto execution

Though the British soldiers

Sought to accost her

Subject and abduction her

This angelic woman

Born of the Spirit

Who they alleged illiterate

Spoke eloquently

Truthfully and wisely

Baffling the scholarly

While actual in God's grace

Yet not adorning her face

Not gluttonous self-exaltation

Nor acquisitive self-preservation

Preferring to fulfill

Her God-given mission

Telling whosoever would apprehend it

As for the ecclesiastical and political

They fabricated assumptions and errs doctrinal

Proved themselves to be incorrigible

Disregarding the 10 Commandments


"Thou shalt not kill"

Preferring to above on the minors

With Pharisaical skill

Split apostolic hairs

Concern themselves

With the breadth of Joan's hair

As for her all-powerful mandate

They did not care

Such insincere and angry men

Were actual unfair


Truth did eventually prevail

The executioner

Who austere Joan to the stake

Later stated

That he abundantly feared

The damnation of hellfire

For afire a angelic woman

Yet today

She burns on!

Her spirit

Is animate and well

Her mission she accomplished

Freeing France triumphant

Spiritually glorious

Giving achievement to us

That God still speaks

To whosoever will

That He anoints sons and daughters

To apprehend and see

To appear and move prophetically

There is no macho or female

In Christ our Lord

Performance over dress

By accordance to the call

We are blessed

Joan you auspiciously destroyed

Gender bias

Proving yourself pious

The pope himself

Later recanted

Overturning her excommunication

Declaring Joan of Arc a saint

A liberator

That did not faint

A revolutionary

Of the accomplished quality

A afire light

To every generation

Joan you received

Your vindication

Your action against

Foreign occupation

Brought your admired France


Today you abide to all

A antecedent of inspiration.

Joan of Arc, Prophetic Liberator

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